Profile CLI client

difficulty Difficulty: Easy

duration Duration: 5 minutes

PrerequisitesMonitor consumption on M3 node during experiment

Description: This document shows how to use the Profile CLI Tool utility on the frontend SSH. You will learn how to create a Profile for configure battery power supply, monitoring consumption nodes during experiment.

First step

Connect to frontend SSH and getting help :

my_computer$ ssh <login>@<site> (site =  grenoble, lille, lyon, saclay, strasbourg)
<login>@<site>:~$ iotlab-profile -h
usage: iotlab-profile [-h] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [-v]
                   {addwsn430,addm3,adda8,del,get,load} ...

iotlab-profile command-line manage profiles experimentation :
store you favourite resources configuration with combination
of a power supply mode and an automatic measure configuration
(e.g. consumption, radio, ...)

positional arguments:
    addwsn430           add wsn430 user profile
    addm3               add m3 user profile

if you didn’t authenticate using iotlab-auth, do it now :

<login>@<site>:~$ iotlab-auth -u login

Create a Profile

For example we want to create a Profile like the tutorial Monitor consumption on M3 node during experiment with a power supply battery (DC by default)

<login>@<site>:~$ iotlab-profile addm3 -n profile_name -p battery -current -voltage -cpower -period 8244 -avg 4

Delete a Profile

<login>@<site>:~$ iotlab-profile del -n profile_name

Get Profile nodes list

<login>@<site>:~$ iotlab-profile get -l
        "consumption": {
            "average": 4, 
            "current": true, 
            "period": 8244, 
            "power": true, 
            "voltage": true
        "nodearch": "m3", 
        "power": "battery", 
        "profilename": "profile_name", 
        "radio": null

<login>@<site>:~$ iotlab-profile get -l --archi m3