
IoT-LAB provides as set of wireless communication libraries, offering various levels of C API on top of raw 802.15.4 chips drivers. Libraries can be used as standalone building blocks or integrated on top of an OS.

FreeRTOS-based MAC

There is a FreeRTOS-based MAC layer implementations, compatible with WSN430 and M3 open-nodes.They make use of the features of FreeRTOS and hence provide better real-time performance. We have implemented three MAC layers :

  • CSMA : The Carrier-Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) MAC implementation is a general-purpose low-latency non-energy-optimized MAC layer.

  • TDMA : The Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) MAC implementation defines the network as one coordinator node, and several end nodes. Time is divided in slots, managed by the coordinator.

  • XMAC : The XMAC protocol is a preamble-sampling low-power duty-cycled MAC protocol. It is especially suited for low traffic networks.

Contiki : 6LoWPAN, RPL, CoAP

Contiki provides powerful low-power Internet communication. Contiki supports fully standard IPv6 and IPv4, along with the recent low-power wireless standards: 6LoWPAN, RPL, CoAP.


The goal of the OpenWSN project is to provide open-source implementations of a complete protocol stack based on Internet of Things standards, on a variety of software and hardware platforms. The standards under development most applicable for the Internet of Things are: MAC IEEE802.15.4e, 6LoWPAN, IETF 6TiSCH, IETF RPL. It is implemented for Open-node WSN430 and M3