FIT and Grid5k infrastructures join their strengths to allow even more IoT experience into the newly SILECS infrastructure. As a first step, we are proud to announce the first joint school in which you will enjoy all testbeds, facilities and possibilities we offer through presentations, tutorials and challenges. Please, join us in Sophia Antipolis, on the … Continue Reading »
Lille’s new physical topology released

We are proud to announce the availability of the Lille new deployment: sparser, at the building scale. The whole 256 M3 nodes are available again*. But that’s not all. We took advantage of this operation to add a new type of board in this deployment. We deployed 9 Zolertia Frirefly (3 per floor), bringing sub-1GHz … Continue Reading »
Reducing WSN430 nodes support

We will gradually reduce WSN430 nodes support after good and loyal services during ten years on the IoT-LAB testbed. Originally, we had four sites with different hardware nodes: WSN430 v1.3b (TI CC1101 radio chipset) on Grenoble and Strasbourg sites WSN430 v1.4 (TI CC2420 radio chipset) on Euratech and Rennes sites Since Thursday 30 November: we … Continue Reading »
Fundamentals and Applications of the Internet of Things Workshop – Santiago, Chile
New RIOT tutorials available on IoT-LAB

The IoT-LAB testbed supports various embedded operating systems available for the Internet Of Things, such as RIOT. In order to show networking capabilities of RIOT on the testbed, the IoT-LAB team has prepared 3 new tutorials: * Setup a public IPv6/6LoWPAN network with M3 nodes, * Request a CoAP server on a public IPv6/6LoWPAN network … Continue Reading »
JDEV 2017

The FIT IoT-LAB team will be at the JDEV conference this year, taking place in Marseille, July 4-7. JDEV is the DevLOG communiy annual event, gathering 500 people, mostly french academics, but also some people from companies, all involved in software development. We will give a talk and a tutoriel in the Embedded, WSN and … Continue Reading »
New SSH CLI Tools
After the release of a new version of the CLI Tools a few weeks ago, we are happy to announce the new SSH CLI Tools are now available on the testbed. The IoT-LAB team has specially designed these tools to remotely control the A8 nodes from the SSH frontends or from a local machine. With … Continue Reading »
New features released on April, 25
The whole FIT IoT-LAB testbed was closed on April 25th afternoon for upgrade operations. Here is the details of the new features available from today. Run Script We finally release a feature we would like to provide from a long time ago. For sure, it is really convenient to be able to specify a firmware … Continue Reading »
Contiki 3.x Support
We have updated our Contiki repository with the official one, providing support for Contiki 3.x. From now, you will be able to test your Contiki solutions on the IoT-LAB testbed, using the last features provided by the Contiki OS, like, for example, the last er-coap implementation or the RPL/TSCH network. This release comes with dedicated … Continue Reading »
Lille site is IPv6 ready

We are pleased to announce that the public IPv6 service on the FIT IoT-LAB testbed as been extended with the Lille site. As a reminder, four sites implement now this service: Grenoble Lille Saclay Strasbourg You can find more details about M3/A8 nodes global IPv6 subnetting by following this tutorial. Moreover, on the tutorials page, … Continue Reading »