Deployement of Le Cube on Lille site


We are very happy to announce the release of a new location for open nodes on the Lille site of IoT-LAB.

We’ve added Le Cube, a space for heterogeneous interoperability & compatibility

For now, we’ve deployed nodes that are capable of 802.15.4 in both 2.4 GHz and sub-GHz, nodes using BLE, and nodes using LoRa. They all coexist in a small vicinity:

  • 5 m3 nodes
  • 5 firefly nodes
  • 5 st-lrwan1 nodes
  • 5 microbit nodes
  • 5 samr21 nodes

The panel of offered MCUs and radio chipsets is intended to grow (total available 64 gateways), and can include your own boards, just follow our documentation on the iot-lab-gateway repository to start, and we’ll be glad to physically plug them in LeCube.

We hope you will enjoy working with this new space.