Custom Open Nodes


Since our new generation gateway board exposes a monitorable USB port, we can plug easily other hardware.
We developped the support of some boards to be integrated to our infrastructure.

Here is the list of the supported custom nodes and their deployments.
See how to contribute to extend this list and add new nodes to the testbed.

Supported boards

Bring your board to IoT-LAB

1. Develop

On the IoT-LAB Gateway board, runs a Python module providing Open Node management. Its implementation is based on a system of plugin. Thus, if you want to add support for a new node, you just have to write a specific file to interface with the application.

The source code is hosted on GitHub *

Instructions on how to develop your plugin are documented in the file.

You can also install a Gateway-like environment on a computer by following the instructions. Thus, you will be able to test and validate your plugin.


2. Plug

Some of the IoT-LAB nodes are or can be dedicated to host custom open nodes. Once the previous step has been made, we just have to deploy your development and plug the new hardware.

Contact the admin team to discuss this point.


3. Run

Just proceed has usual. You just need to select these specific nodes while submitting your experiment.

Learn how to: Follow the tutorial
