Submit an experiment with A8 nodes and the web portal


Difficulty: Easy

Duration: 15 minutes

Prerequisites: Configure SSH Access

Description: The aim of this first tutorial is to discover the IoT-LAB testbed tools by creating and submitting your first experiment, and then interact with running nodes. You will book two A8 nodes on the Grenoble site and deploy it on them. Once deployed, you will hop onto the ssh frontend, ssh connect to them, set up their M3 node with a sample firmware file, and interact with the firmware running on the A8-M3 node and send radio packets.


    1. Log into the Webportal
    2. Launch a new experiment
      • Schedule: set an experiment name (no spaces nor funny chars in the experiment name)
      • Nodes: Add to experiment (with node properties tab)  two nodes with A8 (At86rf231) archi on the Grenoble site
      • Submit experiment

    3. Wait experiment state Running in the Schedule dashboard section. After click on experiment details and visualize which nodes you are booked and verify that you have Success in the deployment result
    4. Connect to the SSH frontend site
      my_computer$ ssh <login>
    5. Download the M3 firmware that we use in this tutorial to send radio packets between two A8 nodes through their M3 radio subsystem. This firmware must be placed in the A8 directory of your home directory (~/A8/)on the IoT-LAB frontend, this directory is automatically accessible from all the A8 nodes of your experiment.
      <login>@grenoble:~$ cd A8
      <login>@grenoble:~/A8$ wget -O tutorial_a8_m3.elf
      --2015-10-19 19:08:20--
      Connecting to||:443... connected.
      WARNING: certificate common name “” doesn’t match requested host name “”.
      HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
      Length: 139259 (136K) [application/octet-stream]
      Saving to: “tutorial_a8_m3.elf”
      100%[=====================================================================================================================================================================================================>] 139,259     --.-K/s   in 0.09s   
      2015-10-19 19:08:21 (1.48 MB/s) - “tutorial_a8_m3.elf” saved [139259/139259]
    6. Note: When your experiment is Started, A8 nodes still needs some time to boot, it may take from 1 to 10 minutes depending on the platform activity. So be patient. Nodes can also fail to boot…
      <login>@grenoble:~$ ssh
      ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
      <login>@grenoble:~$ ssh
      ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
    7. SSH connect as root to one of your A8 boards, the url is ‘node-a8-<num>
      <login>@grenoble:~$ ssh
      The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
      RSA key fingerprint is 2b:a9:fc:bc:d5:77:27:24:06:fc:46:a2:87:17:e9:b0.
      Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
      Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
      Last login: Tue Oct 21 14:25:11 2014 from
    8. You can check that the firmware is indeed present in the A8 folder.
      root@node-a8-100:~# ls A8
    9. A8 nodes are running a minimal embedded linux system, most unix commands and python language are supported. You can test the ethernet connectivity between from your two nodes.
      root@node-a8-100:~# ping node-a8-101
      PING node-a8-101 ( 56 data bytes
      64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=64 time=5.616 ms
      64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.038 ms
      64 bytes from seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.977 ms
    10. In this tutorial, we will use the M3 subsystem of the A8 in order to use their 802.15.4 connectivity. When your experiment starts, the M3 subsystem of your A8 node doesn’t run any firmware, so we need to flash them with a basic provided firmware.
      root@node-a8-100:~# flash_a8_m3 A8/tutorial_a8_m3.elf 
      Open On-Chip Debugger 0.7.0 (2014-10-16-11:55)
      Licensed under GNU GPL v2
      For bug reports, read

      adapter speed: 1000 kHz
      Info : only one transport option; autoselect 'jtag'
      DEPRECATED! use 'adapter_nsrst_delay' not 'jtag_nsrst_delay'
      adapter_nsrst_delay: 100
      jtag_ntrst_delay: 100
      trst_and_srst separate srst_gates_jtag trst_push_pull srst_open_drain connect_deassert_srst
      adapter speed: 1000 kHz
      adapter_nsrst_delay: 100
      jtag_ntrst_delay: 100
      cortex_m3 reset_config sysresetreq
      Info : max TCK change to: 30000 kHz
      Info : clock speed 1000 kHz
      Info : JTAG tap: stm32f1x.cpu tap/device found: 0x3ba00477 (mfg: 0x23b, part: 0xba00, ver: 0x3)
      Info : JTAG tap: tap/device found: 0x06414041 (mfg: 0x020, part: 0x6414, ver: 0x0)
      Warn : Block read error address 0xe000ed00
      Error: stm32f1x.cpu -- clearing lockup after double fault
      Error: JTAG-DP OVERRUN - check clock, memaccess, or reduce jtag speed
      Error: MEM_AP_CSW 0x23000042, MEM_AP_TAR 0xe000edf0
      Polling target stm32f1x.cpu failed, GDB will be halted. Polling again in 100ms
      Error: JTAG-DP OVERRUN - check clock, memaccess, or reduce jtag speed
      Error: MEM_AP_CSW 0x23000042, MEM_AP_TAR 0xe000edf0
      Polling target stm32f1x.cpu failed, GDB will be halted. Polling again in 300ms
          TargetName         Type       Endian TapName            State       
      --  ------------------ ---------- ------ ------------------ ------------
       0* stm32f1x.cpu       cortex_m   little stm32f1x.cpu       unknown
      Info : JTAG tap: stm32f1x.cpu tap/device found: 0x3ba00477 (mfg: 0x23b, part: 0xba00, ver: 0x3)
      Info : JTAG tap: tap/device found: 0x06414041 (mfg: 0x020, part: 0x6414, ver: 0x0)
      target state: halted
      target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread 
      xPSR: 0x01000000 pc: 0x08002784 msp: 0x20010000
      Polling target stm32f1x.cpu succeeded again
      Info : JTAG tap: stm32f1x.cpu tap/device found: 0x3ba00477 (mfg: 0x23b, part: 0xba00, ver: 0x3)
      Info : JTAG tap: tap/device found: 0x06414041 (mfg: 0x020, part: 0x6414, ver: 0x0)
      target state: halted
      target halted due to debug-request, current mode: Thread 
      xPSR: 0x01000000 pc: 0x08002784 msp: 0x20010000
      auto erase enabled
      Info : device id = 0x10016414
      Info : flash size = 512kbytes
      wrote 28672 bytes from file A8/tutorial_a8_m3.elf in 1.634979s (17.126 KiB/s)
      verified 28512 bytes in 0.740173s (37.618 KiB/s)
      Info : JTAG tap: stm32f1x.cpu tap/device found: 0x3ba00477 (mfg: 0x23b, part: 0xba00, ver: 0x3)
      Info : JTAG tap: tap/device found: 0x06414041 (mfg: 0x020, part: 0x6414, ver: 0x0)
      shutdown command invoked
      Return Value: 0
    11. Each A8 communicates with its M3 subsystem through a serial link named /dev/ttyA8_M3 (speed 500 kB/s). The firmware we flashed on the M3 in the previous step is interactive : it waits for a character on its serial line and sends a packet. One way of interacting with the M3 from the A8 is to use the tool
      root@node-a8-100:~/A8# --echo /dev/ttyA8_M3 500000
      --- Miniterm on /dev/ttyA8_M3: 500000,8,N,1. ---
      --- Quit: Ctrl+]
      IoT-LAB Simple Demo program
      Type command
          h:    print this help
          u:    print node uid
          d:    read current date using control_node
          s:    send a radio packet
          b:    send a big radio packet
          e:    toggle leds blinking
       Type Enter to stop printing this help
      cmd >
      IoT-LAB Simple Demo program
      Type command
          h:    print this help
          u:    print node uid
          d:    read current date using control_node
          s:    send a radio packet
          b:    send a big radio packet
          e:    toggle leds blinking
      cmd >
    12. Now, connect, flash and start miniterm for the other A8 node.
      my_computer$ ssh <login>
      <login>@grenoble:~$ ssh
      root@node-a8-101:~# flash_a8_m3 A8/tutorial_a8_m3.elf
      root@node-a8-101:~/A8# --echo /dev/ttyA8_M3 500000
      --- Miniterm on /dev/ttyA8_M3: 500000,8,N,1. ---
      --- Quit: Ctrl+]
      IoT-LAB Simple Demo program
      Type command
          h:    print this help
          u:    print node uid
          d:    read current date using control_node
          s:    send a radio packet
          b:    send a big radio packet
          e:    toggle leds blinking
      Type Enter to stop printing this help cmd >
    13. Now we will make the two nodes communicate using the radio
      • On the first terminal, Type ‘s’ and ‘b’ to send packets to your other node
        cmd > s
        radio > Packet sent
        cmd> b
        radio > Big packet sent
      • On the second node you should see the received message
        cmd > 
        radio > Got packet from 3185 (a8-100). Len: 16 Rssi: -49: 'Hello World!: 1'
        cmd > 
        radio > Got packet from 3185 (a8-100). Len: 60 Rssi: -49: 'Big Hello World!: 1 012345678901234567890123456789012345678'

Congratulations, you completed the first A8 nodes tutorial !


Go further


The testbed provides A8 command-line tool (eg. iotlab-ssh) which automatizes all the operations executed in this tutorial like waiting for boot, flashing a firmware on the M3 subsystem, running a command or a script and so on. It was provided by default on each IoT-LAB frontend or you can directly install it on your computer to remotely interact with A8 nodes.