On the Lille site, the nodes are deployed in our two buidlings at Inria Lille – Nord Europe. The most part is spread across the A building, usefull for large network and multi-hop experimentations. An additionnal part is deployed in a structure called Le Cube, in the B building, with a variety of boards.
BBC micro:bit
Decawave DWM1001
Microchip SAMR21
Zolertia Firefly
- In the A building:
- 256 IoT-LAB M3
- 11 Zolertia Firefly
- 14 Decawave DWM1001
- A set of different boards in Le Cube:
- 5 BBC micro:bit
- 5 IoT-LAB M3
- 5 Microchip SAMR21
- 5 ST B-L072Z-LRWAN1
- 5 Zolertia Firefly
Topology in the A Building
Lille testbed is deployed at a building scale, over the three floors of our Inria building, through offices, corridors, meeting or storage rooms, in addition to a dedicated room. The deployment zones over the building are marked in blue in the figure below. See the video below to visit the deployment across the building.
The dedicated room is a 225 m2 area, composed of a corridor separating a big room and 5 offices (respectively on left and right in topology figures). In this room, nodes are dispatched over the ceiling and wood posts, situated at the borders of the big room.
- Nodes on ceiling are dispatched in staggered rows over a 1.20 m x 1.20 m grid, at an overall high of 9.6 m.
- Nodes on posts are vertically hanged at an overall high of 7.60, 8.50 and 9.40 m.
Here is the distribution of nodes per floor:
- Ground floor: m3-[1-45], firefly-[1-3]
- First floor: m3-[46-111], firefly-[4-6]
- Second floor: m3-[112-129], firefly-[7-8]
- Dedicated room (2nd floor): m3-[130-256], firefly[9-11], dwm1001-[1-14]
© Inria / Photo C. Morel
Le Cube
There is an additional deployment in the B building, around 100 m from the other one, in a wooden structure called Le Cube. It’s purpose, here, is not to experiment at a large scale, but rather to test network solutions, protocols or Operating Systems over different hardwares and radios. This deployment brings a practical way to experiment compatibility and interoperability scenarios.
Here is the list of nodes present there: firefly[12-16], m3-[260-264], microbit-[1-5], samr21-[1-5], st-lrwam1-[1-5]
© Inria / Photo J. Vandaele
Le site IoT-LAB de Lille est cofinancé par l’Union Européenne avec le Fonds Européen de Développement Régional (FEDER) et par le Ministère de l’Education Nationale, de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche.