- 18/04/2023 IoT-LAB Toulouse is online
- 31/01/2022 New boards available on the Grenoble site
- 21/09/2021 IoT-LAB Nantes is online
- 18/01/2021 SSH frontends upgrade
- 09/07/2020 New look, new content
- 01/06/2020 End of the first session of the MOOC
- 30/03/2020 MOOC Internet of Things with Microcontrollers: a hands-on course
- 26/06/2019 ResCom Summer School 2019
- 13/06/2019 Zephyr operating system support
- 19/03/2019 New web terminal available on the testbed webportal and websocket CLI tools
- 10/01/2019 Deployement of Le Cube on Lille site
- 22/11/2018 New boards available on Saclay site
- 28/09/2018 New Web portal
- 22/05/2018 New boards available on IoT-LAB: Zolertia Firefly and Arduino Zero
- 14/05/2018 New LoRa/Sigfox boards available
- 07/05/2018 Update of IoT-LAB tools
- 27/04/2018 Paris site is IPv6 ready
- 23/02/2018 Join the first FIT/Grid5K school
- 16/02/2018 Lille’s new physical topology released
- 15/12/2017 Reducing WSN430 nodes support
- 13/11/2017 Fundamentals and Applications of the Internet of Things Workshop – Santiago, Chile
- 13/09/2017 New RIOT tutorials available on IoT-LAB
- 05/07/2017 JDEV 2017
- 15/05/2017 New SSH CLI Tools
- 26/04/2017 New features released on April, 25
- 11/04/2017 Contiki 3.x Support
- 06/04/2017 Lille site is IPv6 ready
- 23/06/2016 New tutorials for RIOT on A8-M3 nodes
- 17/05/2016 Opening of Saclay-Île-de-France Site
- 02/05/2016 New Plot Tools
- 05/04/2016 Maintenance operation of April 4th
- 23/10/2015 IPv6 ready
- 29/09/2015 Workshop Internet Of Things/Equipex FIT IoT-LAB
- 07/07/2015 Rescom SmartCities Summer School
- 27/05/2015 Maintenance operation of May 26th
- 27/02/2015 RIOT OS on M3 nodes
- 25/02/2015 Maintenance operation of February 5th
- 28/11/2014 Opening of the Paris-Rocquencourt Site
- 20/11/2014 Workshop Internet Of Things talks and tutorials
- 09/10/2014 FIT IoT-LAB reviewed by the ANR
- 25/09/2014 New M3 testbed in Lille
- 23/09/2014 Workshop Internet Of Things / Equipex FIT IoT-LAB
- 16/07/2014 IoT-LAB at the IETF 6TiSCH plugfest
- 06/06/2014 UbiMob Tutorial