Fundamentals and Applications of the Internet of Things Workshop – Santiago, Chile

13 Nov 2017

We’ll give an official tutorial at the Fundamentals and Applications of the Internet of Things Workshop on November 15.

This Workshop is organised by the Instituto de Ingenería Matemática y Computacional de la Universitad Católica and Inria Chile.

Program and information:

New RIOT tutorials available on IoT-LAB

13 Sep 2017

The IoT-LAB testbed supports various embedded operating systems available for the Internet Of Things, such as RIOT.

In order to show networking capabilities of RIOT on the testbed, the IoT-LAB team has prepared 3 new tutorials:

Other RIOT tutorials are also available on the Learn page.

JDEV 2017

05 Jul 2017

The FIT IoT-LAB team will be at the JDEV conference this year, taking place in Marseille, July 4-7.

JDEV is the DevLOG communiy annual event, gathering 500 people, mostly french academics, but also some people from companies, all involved in software development.

We will give a talk and a tutoriel in the Embedded, WSN and IoT track (see T1 program)

  • tutorial: Wednesday afternoon
  • presentation: Tuesday morning ne

Hope to see some of you there!

New SSH CLI Tools

15 May 2017

After the release of a new version of the CLI Tools a few weeks ago, we are happy to announce the new SSH CLI Tools are now available on the testbed.

The IoT-LAB team has specially designed these tools to remotely control the A8 nodes from the SSH frontends or from a local machine. With the SSH CLI Tools, you’ll find interesting features such as:

  • flashing/resetting the M3 behind the A8
  • waiting for the system boot of all A8 of an experiment
  • running commands on the frontend or on the A8
  • running a script in background on the A8

You can read the documentation here.

The SSH CLI Tools source code is available on GitHub so if you find bugs or potential improvements, feel free to propose a Pull Request or open an issue.

Finally, since the SSH CLI Tools are available on PYPI, you can use them from your computer. In this case, they can be installed using pip:

sudo pip install iotlabsshcli

New features released on April, 25

26 Apr 2017

The whole FIT IoT-LAB testbed was closed on April 25th afternoon for upgrade operations.

Here is the details of the new features available from today.

Run Script

We finally release a feature we would like to provide from a long time ago. For sure, it is really convenient to be able to specify a firmware that will be flashed automatically at the experiment starting, as much as to specify a profile for the automatic monitoring setup. But we are quite sure that you may have already say to yourself: “I just miss something to launch my own script automatically after that”.

We finally had some time to integrate this feature in our Open REST API, letting the possibility to specify a script that will be run in background on the SSH frontends. You can launch this script manually at any time during your experiment or you can specify this script at experiment submission. In this last case, it will be launched automatically at experiment starting.

We made this new feature easy to use by providing it to the CLI tools. Follow this documentation to get an introduction of this feature and learn how it works.

CLI Tools 2.4.0

Version 2.4.0 of our IoT-LAB CLI tools is here, with new interesting features:

  • a script subcommand, enabling the use of the new Run Script feature explained just above
  • an update-idle and a profile-reset commands, to respectively set firmware and profile to defaults
  • a profile-load command, to update profiles
  • improvement in filtering possibilities in commands

This new version is now available on PyPI, easy to install with this command:

pip install iotlabcli --upgrade

You will also find on the module page the complete changelog.