
Share your experience!

IoT-LAB is a scientific tool used by many people doing research in various fields, addressing wireless communications, sensor networks, low power routing protocols, embedded and distributed applications, etc. Users are encouraged to share their experience, improvement ideas and results.

Contact IoT-LAB administrators to add yours.


Most of the software used to run the testbed is open-source and hosted under the IoT-LAB organization on Github. Any contributions on any of the IoT-LAB projects are very welcome.
So feel free to contribute to the codebase and join the effort to improve IoT-LAB!

Main open-source projects

Project name Description Repository
cli-tools The cli-tools leverage the IoT-LAB REST API from a simple command line interface Python client.
ssh-cli-tools The ssh-cli-tools provide a command line interface to interact remotely and easily with IoT-LAB Open Linux devices.
ws-cli-tools The ws-cli-tools use the websocket protocol to provide a command line to connect to the serial port of multiple devices on several sites, from a local computer.
iot-lab-yocto The IoT-LAB Yocto project aim to develop embedded Linux images that run on Open Linux devices.
iot-lab-gateway The IoT-LAB gateway project is the Python code that runs on the device management gateway in the FIT IoT-lab platform. It serves an API for starting, stopping experiments, flashing firmwares on devices.
testbed-webportal The testbed webportal is a single page web application that provides web access for submitting experiment, monitoring the status of the testbed and interacting with the devices.
iot-lab-training This project contains JupyterLab Notebooks that can be used to teach IoT. The IoT-LAB Website based on the Jekyll static site generator and hosting with GitHub Pages.